Tuesday, July 7, 2015


So the plan is this:
  • Write blog entries in chronological order so as to tell the story. Tell how it all happened – losing our home and close to everything in it.
  • Write as much as I can to get up to real time.  Use this summer to organize my thoughts/memories into a way of replaying the story. Quickly. So I can get to a point where I am blogging for the present.
  • Write as if I was sitting down over a cup of coffee (of course) talking to you face to face. Any one of you. Family, friends, readers.  I don’t want to fuss over grammar or spelling.  I am usually pretty good about it, but I’ll ask forgiveness NOW for the writing blunders I am sure to make.
  • Write to protect our privacy. I want to explain everything, but I don’t. For those of you that know me well – you get it. The Internet is an open door.  I plan to be real, but not that real.
  • Write to explain other aspects of our life.  I will eventually want to write about other things/topics that have nothing to do with the fire.  Albeit, I might talk about other major events, but not the fire.  I hope to get on – AFTER THE FIRE.

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